It's Paper Piecing for the 21st Century
Offered Online Only

"Flying Beauty"
48 x 48
Quilted by: Elizabeth Swan
Swan Quilting
Paper piecing continues to be one of many quiltings' challenges. There are so many variables and so many ways to get it wrong, right?
Wrong! I've taken the mystery out of paper piecing by making it easy to do and much faster and efficient. But you'll have to be the judge of that.
The New York Beauty block has always been a very popular class, but it really didn't highlight paper piecing in a way that would enable you to adapt it for other patterns.
By adding the flying geese units and filling up some of the negative space, you have a much more complex version of the classic pattern. Also, the geese units give you a chance to really practice paper piecing.
Since there are so many moving parts to this pattern, the class is offered in two sessions, one week apart. The first session focuses on cutting and piecing the individual units that make up the block. The second session is all about sewing accurate curves and putting the blocks together. So you must have at least one of my classes and have a working knowledge of the "No More Tears Method©. There won't be time to teach the method.
Your pre-cut strips (see below) and any extra fabric
Sewing machine with a new needle, thread and pre-wound bobbin, regular piecing foot and 1/4" foot
Pins, and just in case, a seam ripper
Rotary cutter (with a new blade) and ruler - 6"x12" works fine
Small cutting mat 9" x 12" is fine
Pencil or pen
Highlighter (Pink, green, blue, orange, but NOT yellow)
Add-A-Quarter ruler (the longer the better)
Paper and fabric scissors
Invisible Scotch Tape (any brand)
For Virtual Classes Only:
A BRAND NEW Elmer's Disappearing Purple Glue Stick (preferred)or any washable, acid free glue stick
*** Click HERE for more about the paper
I think what makes this quilt so striking is the use of only 3 fabrics in the same color family. The dark, medium and light fabrics give the quilt a dimensional kind of look. And if you're familiar with my quilts, you'll know that I love illusions and dimension.
Now, that doesn't mean you have to follow my lead. I've done mock ups in different colors and they work great. My choice of colors was merely a personal preference. Yours will be your preference. Refer to the diagrams below.
Each finished block measures about 9" x 9"
The wall hanging measures about 36" x 36" without borders.
A Thought...
Sometimes you might want to just choose some random fabrics from your stash and cut some of the required pieces. Use those for class and then decide if you'd like to continue with your project in your "good" fabric. The templates tell you how many pieces of each shape you need per block and also for the entire project.
Cutting Specs
Start with 2 yards of your dark fabric and 1.5 yards of your light and medium fabrics. And you'll have some fabric left over in case you need it, or for inner and outer borders.
Since every piece in the quilt is cut using templates, you'll start by cutting one strip of each of your fabrics first. The width of the strips and the number of individual pieces you'll need are printed on the templates. This is one of the only projects where I cut one strip at a time, cut out the pieces from the templates, piece as many units as I can, and then cut another strip.
The pattern represents 1/4 of a "whole" beauty block. There are four "Beautys" in the quilt which means you'll need to make 16 blocks. Also, there a couple of layouts that I like, so there are no quilt top assembly instructions. We'll talk about that in the second session of the class.
The patterns and templates will be emailed to you a few days before the class. Please don't do anything with the Templates or Patterns. We will cut the fabric in class. All you need to bring are the strips listed below:)
Before the class, cut the following (selvage to selvage or WOF)
If you're following the template suggestions, your "Rays", "Goose" , "Pie Shape" and "L Shape" fabrics are your darkest color.
Dark Fabric:
For your "Rays" cut one strip 5-3/4"
For your "Geese" cut one strip 2-1/4"
For your "Pie Shape" cut one strip 3-1/4"
For your "L Shape" cut one strip 4-1/2"
Light and Medium Fabric:
For "Goose Background" cut one strip each at 2-3/4"
For the "Arc Background" cut one strip each at 5-3/4" .